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Beyond Wordstranslating for the theatre. Swedish Books, 2003/2018. Read Lecture.

Fruits of Doonreaganhow my home environment has impacted on my writing. Festival of Wild Atlantic Writing, Cashel 2017. Read Lecture.

Ted Hughes and Astrologyoften overlooked. International Ted Hughes Conference, Sheffield University, 2016. Read Lecture.

Ted Hughes in Connemara a little known Irish connection. An Taibhdhearc, Galway, 2015, The Samuel Beckett Theatre, Dublin, 2015. Read Lecture.

Transnationalworking as a playwright across borders. Station House Theatre, Clifden 2015, Trinity College Dublin, 2015. Read Lecture.

The World and Irish Theatreare we open enough to influence from outside? Theatre Forum Annual Conference, Galway 2012. Read Lecture.

The Place I Call Home - 25 years as a Swedish immigrant in Ireland. First broadcast, with Irish music, in the SOMMAR series, Swedish Radio, August 2008). Time 45 mins. (90 mins. with music)

A New Lease of Life, Royal Irish Academy, June 2007.

Hans Christian Andersen, Clifden Community Arts Week, 2005. Time: 45 mins.

Cross-cultural Keylinesreflections on two decades of dynamic social development in Ireland. (Swedish Language Teachers’ National Congress, Skövde, 2005. Raftery Education Programme, Westport, 2000 – 2005) Time: 90-120 mins.

On Personal Growth, Royal Dublin Society, March 2003.

Writing across Frontiers – challenges facing a bi-lingual author. Swedish Language Teachers’ National Congress, Gothenburg, 2000. Time: 60 mins.

Literary translationtalent or technique? Swedish Language teachers’ National Congress, Gothenburg, 2000. Time: 60 mins.

Lecture: How you fail as an author – pitfalls to avoid.  Scandinavian Book Fair, Gothenburg, 1999. Time: 60 mins.

Keylines. First broadcast as ‘A Living Word’, RTE Radio 1, 1999 – 2009. Time: adaptable, up to 60 mins.

“The cradle we never outgrow” - the importance of my childhood environment. Dalsland Centre, Ed, 1999. Time: 60 mins.

Lecture: From Dalsland to Connemara - an eventful journey through time and space. First broadcast, with music, in the SOMMAR series, Swedish Radio, 1998. Time: 45 mins. (90 mins. with music)